Newsletter August 2024
Hello everyone!
This year, Estación Esperanza (EsEs) is celebrating its tenth anniversary. What a lot has happened and developed in this time! We find our first document, in which we formulated our strategy, goals and vision, very revealing: EsEs is known in the Kouri Hanna neighbourhood and the surrounding area as a responsible organization that provides professional support where there are insufficient economic and/or social resources. At the beginning of 2023, we had no idea how this could happen. Today, we are amazed at how that has suddenly changed. Especially in the district of Mi Peru (the location of our kindergarten/school building project), people now know EsEs very well and we can say that the vision has been realized. This is of course very encouraging for the next phase of the project. We would like to illustrate this with the following three examples.
Important: This page was translated with Deepl.
UN Peace Commission visits EsEs
The mayor of Mi Peru, Irvin Chávez, contacted us a few weeks ago with the following request: “An international UN peace commission will be visiting Mi Peru. We would like to have lunch with these visitors on the EsEs property. This will be organized by the political community. EsEs does such valuable and exemplary work in the district that a visit would be enriching for these people.” We gladly agreed. As mentioned in the penultimate newsletter, a written agreement on cooperation between the political municipality and EsEs has been in place for several months.
The UN visit promoted the visibility of EsEs and we were able to make valuable contacts. Carlos sat between the African ‘Queen Mother’ Delois Blakely (UNO) and our mayor at dinner. Apparently the Queen Mother really enjoyed the food. When her plate was empty, she asked Carlos if she could have a refill. Without further ado, Carlos offered her some of his own food and she took it. The mayor couldn’t believe his eyes. The Peruvian culture of shame (unlike in Africa) would never allow such a thing. If you are asked if you would like to eat more, it is good manners to refuse first. Only when you are asked a second time are you allowed to say ‘yes’. Fortunately, Carlos is now well versed in different cultures.

Promoting health + expanding knowledge
Anakarina, our area manager for children’s programmes, organized a programme at all three EsEs locations together with the government health centers. With the help of a blood test, children and young people were examined for anemia. This is very common here. A short presentation was also given on the prevention and treatment of anemia. The importance of a healthy diet was particularly emphasized. Last but not least, parents were given vitamin and iron supplements for their children.
The campaign was very valuable, although we once again experienced the difference between our understanding of organization and that of the Peruvian authorities. In short, our patience was severely tested. One mother wanted her four-year-old son’s blood to be tested as well. So that he wouldn’t notice, he was allowed to play gun games on his cell phone. When I greeted her, the mother explained: “I have to let him play, otherwise he’ll get bored and hit everyone.” It is doubtful whether my subsequent spontaneous educational work led to a new insight in this woman. In terms of mental and physical health and education, EsEs can certainly get a few more stones rolling.

Working with violent offenders
We are still very active in this area. A law passed in 2015 was actually intended to give women extended protection and the state would have to offer work with perpetrators. This fits in very well with our concerns. As previously reported, we have already been trained twice in this area by specialists from Germany and Switzerland. We do not use our own premises for this, so that the safe space for women and children is preserved. That is why we were looking for a strategic partner. The state health center in Mi Peru came into question.
After several attempts and a number of setbacks, this became possible. First, we trained the team and finally, in July, we were able to start two courses with groups of offenders. The main aim is to ‘unlearn’ the ‘learned’ violent behavior through discussions, input and exercises: Dealing with violence, communication, father image, love relationships and gender or masculinity (very important in Peru with machismo). The initially very nervous course participants seemed to be positively surprised. At the start of the course, one exercise consisted of them having to write down their fears in connection with the course. As it turned out that not everyone could write, we were pleased that the men were willing to express their thoughts verbally. Some were even willing to share personal experiences over the past few weeks. One participant is particularly motivated to change his behavior and hopes that this will make it possible for him to meet his child, with whom he has not been allowed to have contact for four years.

Stay in Switzerland
Since July 12, I have been in Switzerland with our two boys, Mael (soon to be 3) and Yosias (soon to be 1). Our eldest daughter, Nancy, was also with us for a whole month. She was very enthusiastic about Switzerland, but in the meantime she had to fly back to Peru because of her studies (psychology). But on August 28, Carlos will come here. Once again, we enjoy the green meadows and all the facilities for families – and the safety outdoors here to the full. I also try to maintain contacts and draw attention to EsEs on various occasions. I am always particularly surprised when people I don’t know approach me: “You were on TV. You’re the woman who lives in Peru, aren’t you?” However, I often don’t manage to put my plans into action. My two boys are sometimes more dominant than my agenda. Carlos and I are amazed at how quickly time flies. Mael will be starting kindergarten in two years’ time. Please read the accompanying letter from the association board on this topic.

Short and sweet
Fundraising in Peru is difficult. Many rich people move exclusively within their own circles without doing anything for those in need. We are therefore all the more delighted by the generosity of the Swiss Pestalozzi School in Lima. They will be replacing the furniture in many classrooms and donating cupboards, tables, chairs etc. for the planned EsEs elementary school. We were able to collect the first furniture in July.
The people in charge of the Swiss Club in Lima asked EsEs again this year whether they would give a theatrical performance at the festival on August 1. We decided on the Heidi story. This year, however, there were hardly any EsEs employees on stage, but young people from the project. We were also allowed to sell handicrafts made by EsEs mothers at the festival.

Important notes
Info-Zvieri 2024
Sonntag, 15. September 2024
14:00 Uhr
GV Verein “Estacion Esperanza Schweiz” (offen auch für Nicht-Mitglieder)
14:30 Uhr
Informations- und Begegnungsnachmittag mit Segensfenster und Zvieri.
Forum Kirchbühl (neben reformierter Kirche)
Kirchbühlstrasse 40, 8712 Stäfa

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