Newsletter November 2024
Hello everyone!
We got off to a good start in Peru again after our stay in Switzer-land. This time there was a completely different awareness and feeling associated with it than in previous years. More on this la-ter – but some of you will probably have an idea.
Trained as hairdressers at EsEs
Noemi and Lea (names have been changed) enrolled in the EsEs training course at the property in Mi Peru almost a year ago and learned all about cutting hair and being a hairdresser. An experienced hairdresser, Vicky, a friend of Carlos’ mother, offered us this opportunity free of charge. Unfortunately, not all participants were able to attend the course consistently. However, Noemi and Lea are now working, actively supporting Vicky in her salon two days a week.
They are not only improving their skills, but also learning how to work in a hair salon. In the area where the salon is located, there are no shortage of people who are somewhat difficult to work with. For Vicky, on the other hand, the support is a great blessing. Her husband, also a hairdresser, has cancer and can only work in the salon on rare occasions. At the moment, Noemi and Lea are also participating in our “Aguja ¡Nunca más!” (= ‘Never be broke again’). Acquiring and putting into practice this knowledge of the handling of money, saving, the dangers of loans, etc. is fundamental for their professional success. This is strong preventive measure against the widespread irresponsible handling of money, which leads to major difficulties and stressful debt spirals for many families. It is not uncommon for money to be borrowed from the mafia when the banks no longer offer credit. If this money – including high interest rates – is not repaid on time, it can become dangerous.

Team retreat
The EsEs team was looking forward to the two-and-a-half-day team retreat outside Ventanilla. I arrived at the guest house with Yosias, Mael and my mother-in-law Elvira a few hours before the team was due to arrive and prepared for the event. When my apple pie (to celebrate Carlos’ birthday) and the bread rolls with the dried meat and cheese I had brought from Switzerland were almost ready, the first call came from Carlos. Albert, a team member, had to stay in Ventanilla because of his sick dog “Chocolate”. The day before, we had to fumigate the Kouri Hanna project house because of fleas brought in by pigeons that were biting us.
After the associated evacuation evacuation, the dog apparently ate or breathed in some of the poison. I was sad because it was very important to me that everyone on the team was able to attend the retreat. On the second call, Carlos informed me that the team would be about an hour late. Reason: the heavy traffic on Halloween. Then came his third call: “Miriam, take a deep breath! Our EsEs bus has broken down and we can’t fix it.” In the end, we had to postpone the first block of the program until the next day. Fortunately, Albert was still able to join us early in the morning. Just back from Switzerland, I realized once again how important plans B, C and E are in Peru.
This team retreat was about ‘refueling with God and cultivating community within the team’. During the year, the team members are always there for others: motivating, encouraging, arranging, activating, praying…. giving what they are able to and what is needed. For these few days, Carlos and I, with the support of an external pastor, organized a time for the team to strengthen, reflect and enjoy. The title was: ‘Dealing with Giants’ (= fear, challenges, grief, conflicts, etc.).
The book “The Giant Mountains” (Max Bolliger and Stepan Zavrel) served as the basis, as did the Bible texts Genesis chapter 13 and Genesis 1:4 (1- 11). 4 (1- 11). The giants in our lives become more powerful when we put our focus on them and are afraid. This leads to interpersonal conflicts, influences our behavior and ultimately appear as something unconquerable. David defeated Goliath with God’s help (1 Samuel 17:45-47). He had the courage to face the giant, despite negative voices and discouragement from his eldest brother, King Saul, and Goliath himself.
At the retreat, the team was also informed that we would be moving to Switzerland in Spring 2026. It was a moment of sadness, but it was very encouraging to see how the team expressed their support for Nathalia and Rodolfo, the future operational management couple. We can already feel the increasing presence and support of Nathalia and Rodolfo. During our stay in Switzerland, these two did an excellent job. We were also able to hold our first meeting with them and our external Swiss coach. The fundamental thing is that he knows both cultures and languages very well. He will be accompanying the transition for the next year and a half. In any case, this completely new situation led to a completely different mood on our return from Switzerland. We are already feeling the pain of parting and at the same time a kind of renewed excitement.

Youth weekend
“I’m worried that I won’t wake up at 7 in the morning,” Pedro told us. I explained that he will be in a room with lots of other young people, and that most often you are woken up very early and if not, the leaders will wake you up. For many of the youth, it was their first weekend away from home. Few parents encourage their children to be independent. One reason for this is that there are very few safe places. The camp was a highlight for over 50 participants: leaving Ventanilla for a camp house with green surroundings and a swimming pool, a varied program, a campfire and verses from the Bible that encouraged reflection and growth.
Our ‘partner school’ was also part of the party. Several young people registered to take part. Our small EsEs leadership team would not have been able to run this camp without the support of eleven EsEs youth. These young people were participants just a year ago. In 2024, they were supported by us and increasingly filled roles as assistant leaders. Nevertheless, various tasks at the camp were new and challenging for them, but they mastered them with flying colors. We are full of gratitude to be able to see firsthand the sustainability of the work of Estacion Esperanza.

Brief news
At the beginning of November, we started building the kindergarten playground on the property in Mi Peru.
We are grateful for the four volunteers from Germany and Switzerland, who are sup-porting us actively and with great passion. Unfortunately, we currently have to turn down all further requests as we have deci-ded to employ a maximum of four at one time. The newly introduced sponsorship system (each volunteer is assigned to a team member) and the monthly meetings are proving successful. The volunteers in-clude two social workers and a teacher. We are able to deploy them specifically in the relevant areas. At eighteen, Alyna is the youngest of the four. She regularly helps with the care of Mael and Yosias, which is a great help.

Prayer requests

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