Projekt Current
Welcome to the Estacion Esperanza project news page. Here you can see the most important news from everyday life in the Ventanilla slum from new to old. Read on if you like an article. We are also happy to receive comments that can be submitted under the article. For prayer requests, please go to the "Prayer requests" container. Thank you for your valuable interest!
Infomationn kindergarten and school building project
We are pleased about the positive developments of our kindergarten and school construction project, in favor of the children and young people in the slums north of Lima. The construction of the building on the 2'007 m2 large plot of…
Newsletter January 2023
We are happy to tell you about some highlights of December 22 in this newsletter. These include an unforgettable Christmas party on the property in Mi Peru as well as the couples' course. There is also a report from a…
Feliz Navidad
May you/ May you always have an eye for the light that shines through the windows and not for the dust that lies on the panes.
Newsletter October 2022
In the current October friend's letter we tell you about the new structure of our growing youth work. It is very important to us that these young people don't just hang around on the street, but can shape their own…
Newsletter August 2022
What do you do if the bus driver for the youth weekend cancels two hours before the start? What happens to the 40 young people who have registered and there is no bus? Or what to do if the electricity…
Newsletter June 2022
We are happy to tell you about the past two months. Limiting it to four pages was difficult for us. We would like to inform you about many different things.
Newsletter april 2022
While spring has really arrived here, we in the southern hemisphere are getting ready for the more unpleasant season. In Lima, which is located on the Pacific, there are never such low temperatures as in the Alps. The constant fog,…
Newsletter February 2022
We had a good start into the new year. At the beginning of January, various employees were still on vacation. During the holidays, our employees Anakarina and Abraham and their five-year-old son finally visited their families in Venezuela again after…
News current February 2022
Latest Estacion-Esperanzas News post. It's about the children's week, the team, the kindergarten and the oil spill.
Feliz Navidad !
Estación Esperanza wishes you a Merry Christmas and a fulfilling holiday season.