Newsletter March 2023
Although there is political unrest in Peru at the moment and Cyclone Yacu (storm) caused a lot of damage in the coastal regions, Estación Esperanza and we are doing well so far. Somehow we have been spared from both so far.
Nothing is impossible: Swiss construction manager in Lima
For us an answer to prayer: We are allowed to start with the second construction stage or the kindergarten construction and that under Swiss expert guidance! A few weeks ago, we sent out an inquiry asking if anyone knew a construction manager who could support us for two to three months. We ourselves are not familiar with this branch at all and the annual agenda of the specialists in Switzerland and Germany is already full to the brim.
The fact that we need trustworthy, professional support for the construction of the kindergarten became clear to us during the visit of the Swiss architect Stefan. We visited other schools and aid projects in Lima with him and learned several “horror stories”. Example: A window drawn on the plan was simply forgotten on one wall – But that was only a small mistake… Stefan also discovered some things on our property that left something to be desired.
Thank God, so far these are not mistakes that could have serious consequences. Stefan’s three-day visit led above all to an improvement in the construction plans in all three areas, i.e. kindergarten, school and meeting place. It would be nice if we could complete the construction of the kindergarten in the current year.
Back to the site manager:
After less than a day, we already received an e-mail from a site manager. His name is Theo and he lives in Hombrechtikon, just like Stefan. The two did not know each other before. Our Zoom conversation then took place together with them both. Theo is retired and has 30 years of experience as a construction manager. For two years he worked in Africa. So he has experience with a culture that does not quite meet our expectations in terms of work ethic and reliability. He learned of our request through the secretary’s office of the Reformed church community.
Meanwhile, Theo and his wife Uschi have arrived in Lima. Both have basic knowledge of Spanish, which is very helpful. Their cordial nature is an enrichment for Estación Esperanza. Carlos and I are immensely relieved that Theo is present on the construction site with his expertise.
construction finances:
A few days ago, we received the cost estimate for the construction of the kindergarten from the local construction company. Building has always been expensive in Peru – and in the meantime it has become even more expensive. We still need 144,000 CHF to finish the kindergarten (including the obligatory teachers’ room, office, first aid room, etc.). We already have to build these additional rooms, which will then also be used for the elementary school. Otherwise, we will not receive a permit for the kindergarten from the school secretariat until 2024. It is still our goal and prayer to open three kindergarten classes in March 2024.

Health situation
In January, our employee Esther suddenly could no longer speak and could hardly swallow. In the emergency ward of the public hospital, she was informed that the necessary equipment for the examination was not available. A private hospital was out of the question for her, since as a Venezuelan she is only entitled to limited insurance. Thanks to the funds in the association’s account, we were able to have Esther examined in a private clinic. She had an abscess on her left tonsil and the resulting infection had spread to her throat and ears. If this spread to the brain, it would be life-threatening. After five days, Esther was discharged. She has already recovered well.
Esther could be helped. Many Peruvians and even more so foreigners do not have the privilege of such support. The care provided by the basic state insurance is inadequate in every respect. If we could employ all our team members through an official employment contract, we would have the possibility to insure them privately against illness and also for old age. The somewhat higher costs would be responsible and ethically justified. At the moment, however, this is only possible for Rodolfo because he is Peruvian. All the other eight in the core team are from Colombia or Venezuela. In Peru, four Peruvians must be hired before a single foreigner can be hired. Hopefully, one day when we have Peruvian teachers and other local staff, our team will no longer be subject to these restrictions.
Visit of a medical couple:
Fortunately, a family from Austria visited us a few weeks ago. The parents are both doctors, the husband a pediatrician. Children from Estación Esperanza as well as our team were examined. The blood tests of the employees were made in a laboratory. The couple of doctors evaluated the results and discussed them with each one.
In the Swiss Club we met a dentist. He lived in Argentina for a long time and in Switzerland for two years. His grandfather is Swiss. His son is the same age as Mael and so we started talking in the swimming pool. He was enthusiastic about Estación Esperanza and at the end of February he visited us in Ventanilla with two other dentists and examined 60 children as well as the team. In addition, the three specialists organized an information block on the subject of dental care in a playful manner. Everyone was given a toothbrush, fluoride was applied to the teeth, and the results were recorded in writing. The results were sobering. Only three children had no caries. It is unclear whether and how so many cavities can be patched up at all. But the willingness of the dentists to help is there.

Our family grows
The Estación Esperanza family is growing: The couple Tahani and Nicola (Canton of Bern, Switzerland) moved to Ventanilla at the beginning of March. They will be with us for at least two years. A warm welcome. It is nice for me to hear Swiss German (or Bern German) on a regular basis. And it is also good for Mael, as it is our wish that he grows up bilingual.
Our stay in Switzerland this year will once again be longer than usual. Our four children will be joined by a sibling at the beginning of October. I am three months pregnant. We are very happy about that.
Last but not least: Carlos is definitely a Swiss citizen since two weeks. In summer we will certainly visit Lützelflüh in Emmental, his new place of citizenship.
And please note either or both of these dates in your agenda:
27 August, 09:40 Uhr:
EsEs-Gottesdienst in Bad Ragaz, mit Apéro
10 September, 14:30 Uhr:
EsEs-Jahrestreffen in Stäfa


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